Chocolate and Apricot Maca Power Balls

New Zealander, Danijela is an amazing Instagram blogger @healthyalways, and aims to inspire others to get creative in the kitchen with healthy and nutritious recipe ideas. We love Danijela’s delicious creations, and we think the feeling is mutual because she is a big fan of using Organic Burst Superfoods (as well as chocolate) in her recipes. This latest contribution will really get you buzzing with energy. 

Danijela, over to you:

These little balls of goodness are much healthier than any pre-packaged energy bar you will find at the shops, and are a convenient way to sustain your energy while satisfying your hunger! They are made with an energising and nutrient-dense blend of nuts, oats, seeds and dried fruit, as well as Organic Burst Maca, which is commonly used for increasing stamina and supporting healthy energy levels!

Aside from boosting energy, the ingredients in these power balls provide plenty of nourishment too. The almonds are a good source of protein, as well as vitamin E, calcium, and magnesium, while the oats are high in fibre, manganese, and zinc. The dried apricots are rich in vitamin A and potassium, while the dates contain a good amount of dietary fibre, as well as being a concentrated source of energy thanks to their natural sugars.

These are surprisingly filling for their size due to the high fibre and protein content, so one or two will totally satisfy any mid-afternoon energy slumps! 

Ingredients (Makes 10):
½ cup almonds
½ cup oats
½ cup cacao
¼ cup pumpkin seeds
¼ cup sunflower seeds
½ cup dried apricots
10 medjool dates
1 tablespoon Organic Burst Maca
4 tablespoons water


Place all ingredients into a blender and blend until mixture balls into dough (this will take a few minutes).
Roll tablespoons of the mixture into little balls, and roll in dried coconut/raw cacao/seeds if you wish to decorate. Keep in the freezer for on the go snacks!

By Nutrition Student and Instagram Blogger Danijela Unkovich

Danijela is from Auckland, New Zealand and is currently studying for her degree in nutrition and physiology. Ultimately she plans to work with individuals helping them to optimise their own health and wellbeing through the food they eat.

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