Creamy Green Chlorella Smoothie with Apple and Mint by Amy Crawford

This is honestly one of the best ever tasting and nourishing green smoothies we've tried. And we've tried a lot! The health and wellness expert Amy Crawford, founder of The Holistic Ingredient created this fantastic green smoothie with the immune system benefits of chlorella, plus a fantastic array of nourishing ingredients. We recommend this smoothie for when you're feeling a little under the weather.

Amy, over to you: 

If you're feeling a bit shy in the smoothie department, you really mustn't; practice makes perfect, or close enough. I find my best creations come from leftovers in my fridge actually, enhanced with a few necessary super food additions, as per the recipe below.

Ingredients, serves 1:

130ml coconut water
1/2 cucumber
1/2 apple
1/3 avocado
1 handful baby spinach
1 handful fresh mint
1 teaspoon Organic Burst Chlorella
1 teaspoon yacon syrup (a fibre packed syrup from the South American Yacon Root, readily available online or in a health food store) 
1 teaspoon chia seeds
1cm slice fresh turmeric


Throw all ingredients into a high-powered blender and whizz until smooth and creamy.

Amy Crawford’s smoothie tips:

  • Add Organic Burst Chlorella! Gram for gram, chlorella contains the highest amount of chlorophyll than any other plant on earth. A fantastic addition for detoxifying your body. 
  • If you don't often use cucumber in your smoothies, you should give it a whirl. Cucumber adds a lovely freshness to your concoctions without an overbearing flavour - plus it's raw and that's a very special treat for your body. 
  • Where possible try and include those highly nutritious ingredients that you may not otherwise factor into your diet regularly, such as fresh or powdered turmeric. Turmeric is a fantastic anti-inflammatory, in fact some say it can work as well as anti-inflammatory medication, without the nasty side effects. It is said to fight cold and flu, to aid indigestion and weight loss. 
  • Try and get at least a small handful of raw green leaves into your smoothie on occasion - high in iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium, and most notably Vitamin K. Very few of us meet the recommended intake of dark leafy green vegetables per week, this is a great way to ensure you are not missing out on all that goodness.

By Health & Wellness Practitioner Amy Crawford

Amy specialises in a sugar- and toxin-free lifestyle focussing on whole foods combined with extensive energy healing and a range of therapies called CTC (Combined Therapy Cocktail). Amy practices through her business The Holistic Ingredient and spreads the word via her whole foods eBook, A Nourishing Kitchen.  

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