Chocolate Maca Milkshake Smoothie By Garden Heart

Try this grown-up, healthy version of a chocolate milkshake, avoiding sugary ice cream or tummy-churning cow's milk. Make it after a workout to get your groove back from the energising Organic Burst Maca powder, plus amazing minerals including calcium, manganese and potassiumto help your muscles.

This fab recipe is another stunning creation from our girl Elli from Garden Heart who always creates nurturing food that supports your body, whatever you're going through!   

Elli, over to you: 

This delicious 'mylkshake' is perfect in the afternoon as it boosts my energy levels. I added black sesame seeds to complement the maca in giving me a little extra boost. A delicious afternoon beverage that keeps me alert and focused. 


2 cups of fresh coconut milk
1 tbsp. cacao powder
1 tbsp. Organic Burst Maca powder
1 tbsp. Organic Burst Chia seeds
1 tbsp. black sesame seeds
1/4 tsp. vanilla bean


Pop everything in the blender and push the on button! You can top with coconut flakes, chocolate shavings and cacao powder to make your glass look even more indulgent. 

By Holistic Nutritionist and Food Photographer Elena Alarie

Elli has an incredible blog Garden Heart that she created to share her journey and passion to live a healthier life. Catch Elli on Instagram, you'll be blown away by her gorgeous images! 

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