Chocolate Fudge Brownie Nice Cream by Love Live Raw

Hurrah, some ice cream that won't send you into a sugar coma in front of the TV, this is ice cream re-invented by amazing Swedish raw foodie Erika from Love Live Raw. As you might guess from the name, this 'Nice Cream' contains none of the refined sugar, dairy ingredients and additives found in mass-produced ice cream. Don't get us wrong, it is still very indulgent, but nourishing and energising in all the right ways. If you're restrained enough to have some leftover brownies from our last recipe with Erika, you now have the perfect use for them! If not, just whip up her Raw Chocolate & Maca Brownies before making your 'Nice Cream'.

Erika, over to you: 

I created this 'Nice Cream' as a raw version of B&J´s “Chocolate Fudge Brownie” ice cream. It's the perfect way to use leftover brownies from my previous raw brownie recipe, which uses Organic Burst Maca for an incredible pairing with the chocolaty flavours, and also energises you - perfect for a busy life, which is a very familiar concept to me at the moment as I'm soon opening my second raw food cafe!  

Ingredients (Serves 2)

4 frozen bananas - slightly thawed
1/4 cup of nut milk of choice (this is optional but I recommend using it to make blending a bit easier – especially if you don’t have a very strong blender)
2-3 heaped tbsp raw cacao (depending on how chocolaty you want it to be)
2 tsp coconut sugar if you need more sweetness [NB for fructose-free option add rice malt syrup]
1 tsp Organic Burst Maca
1 maca brownie from my previous recipe, cut into small pieces
cacao nibs to decorate


Blend the bananas, (nut milk), cacao and coconut sugar and maca until creamy.
Layer in a jar or glass with the brownie pieces and top with more brownie and cacao nibs.

By Erika from Love Live Raw

Erika is an adventurous raw food chef who spends half the year running a raw food café on her farm in Sweden. The other half of the year, Erika spends on the seven seas working as a chef and a nurse at a sailing high school! Her blog Love Live Raw is full of inspired recipes and stunning images. She is a true foodie and health nut, we simply love the passion in all her recipes. 

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