Chlorella Lemon Water

A quick, powerful alkaline way to start any day, energise, glow and cleanse. This is how many of us here at Team OB take our chlorella daily.

Why do we have this drink daily?

  • Digestive helper: as chlorella is known to support gut bacteria.
  • Stay bug-free as chlorella is known to support your immune system, as well as Vitamin C in lemons.
  • You’ll feel alert, awake and awesome quickly after having it.
  • Daily detox - as chlorella supports your liver in removing heavy metals, toxins like alcohol, caffeine, pesticides from non-organic food, environmental toxins and more.

If you haven't tried our chlorella yet - don't worry as it tastes much better than expected due to how it’s grown and how pure it is.

  • Tip1: Adding lemon is a simple tip to help the taste.
  • Tip 2: have this in spring water, it will make a big difference in benefits.



  1. First pour in a bit of water and add in the Chlorella, mix well to form a paste. Then top up with more water.
  2. You can also do this in a blender but just blend it for a few seconds so it doesn't form a foam.

Have it:

  • First thing in the morning
  • Before and after travelling
    Before and after going out

If you've had Chlorella for over 1-2 weeks you can have this more than once a day between meals.