Everyday Matcha Latte

This is one of our favourite ways to take our new Organic Burst Matcha powder daily! We trust you’ll enjoy the creamy taste of our super pure organic Ceremonial Premium Grade Matcha and will feel an instant lift, focus and burst of feel-good without any jitters. The coconut milk perfectly compliments matcha and its good fats will help you feel energised for longer!

Preparing matcha is an art of its own but we find it an amazing practice of mindfulness that can help relax and reset you, therefore is a joy to be performed several times a day.


  • 1/2 teaspoon Organic Burst Matcha
  • 100ml (3.4fl oz or 1/3 cup) filtered or spring water
  • 1/4 cup full-fat coconut milk (or any other milk of your choice)
  • Pure stevia drops or rice malt syrup (optional)


  1. Sieve 1/2 teaspoon matcha powder into a bowl or a cup.
  2. Heat the water but don’t boil it (turn off the kettle when the first bubbles start to appear). The temperature should be around 175F or 80C)
  3. Warm up the milk.
  4. Add matcha to hot water and whisk.
  5. Whisk with an Aerolatte until foamy.
  6. Pour milk into the matcha mixture.
  7. Add sweetener if desired.