How To Make The Perfect Matcha - The Modern Way

With this easy (and delicious!) drink it only takes a few minutes to get you focused, alert, while being calm and relaxed - get in the zone for a creative session, a super productive working day, yoga or meditation.

Using the amazing Aerolatte whisk it’s never been easier to enjoy your matcha. It now takes literally a few seconds to whisk your perfect matcha tea!

And don’t be afraid to have our matcha pure! Because unlike other matcha or green teas - Organic Burst Matcha doesn’t taste bitter or fishy! Due to its exceptional quality and purity it tastes creamy (without cream) and almost sweet (without sugar).


  • 1/2-1 teaspoon Organic Burst Matcha⠀
  • 100ml (3.4 fl oz) filtered or spring water⠀
  • Aerolatte or other electric whisk (you can pick yours up our website)⠀
  • a cup or a matcha bowl


  1. Start boiling the water in a kettle. Turn it off when you see it just starting to boil (when you hear or see the first bubbles coming up). The water temperature should be up to 80C (175F). ⠀
  2. Add matcha to your cup (or matcha bowl).⠀
  3. Pour in the water.⠀
  4. Using your Aerolatte, whisk the matcha until uniform bubbles appear.

Enjoy and notice how amazing you feel!⠀