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Top 5 Food Swaps to Shift Stubborn Weight
Clean up your diet to shift winter weight, get more energy and look luminous fast! We tell you which harmful foods to ban from your diet, easy tips to make better choices and simple swaps that make the biggest difference.
How To Become The Most Vibrant Version Of Yourself With Melissa Ambrosini
How do you become the most vibrant, stunning, powerful version of yourself? Well, Melissa Ambrosini tells us it's all about meditation, self love, overcoming your mean inner voice, and she's on a mission to help you do it!
Wheatgrass And Vanilla Power Milk By Eat Better Not Less
Make your milkshake guilt-free and full of green goodness! This delicious, fibre-rich power milk, created by the fabulous foodie Nadia is perfect if you want to get more energy whilst looking after your tummy!
Green Acai Berry Bowl By Julie Montagu
This pretty little bowl of green and purple goodness will light up your day, as though you've been to a sunrise yoga class with its creator Julie - the Flexi Foodie!